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Windows and Doors
Windows and Doors
With John McCain at the Aspen Institute
Brad Hirschfield
Having returned from listening to John McCain at the Aspen Institute, I am filled with more hope about the future than I thought I would be. Not so much because of what Senator McCain had to say. Though to be honest, he was remarkably impressive even to a guy who has lost much of the…
What’s a Jewish Blog?
Brad Hirschfield
Has it been circumcised? Does it observe the Sabbath? Perhaps it’s written in Hebrew? Not for me, even though I pass all three of those tests. But in light of some recent traffic, I think it’s time to reflect on what Windows and Doors is all about. Turns out that my recent post addressing Kirk…
God as My Financial Advisor
Brad Hirschfield
With an ever-tightening economic situation and no relief on the horizon for most of us, I was intrigued by a recent poll by the Washington Post which examined the ways in which faith influenced the lives of people under financial stress. So too were the editors of On Faith. They asked some of us what…
Kirk Cameron, Israel, and God’s Plan for the World
Brad Hirschfield
There is so much to respond to in Kirk Cameron’s Beliefnet interview, it’s hard to know where to begin. Not least is the notion that we need to ask ourselves why we care so much about what a former sit-com actor has to say about complex issues of theology, global politics and biblical interpretation? Of…
Do Miracles Happen?
Brad Hirschfield
Of course they do, at least as far as I’m concerned. But that’s just one man’s opinion and also a function of my definition of miracle, which is a positive outcome or turn of events that can not be explained in any other way and to which we ascribe special importance in our lives. The…
Are You There God? Tisha B’Av Asks and Answers
Brad Hirschfield
Are you there? How often has each of us asked that question of God? Of a lover? Of a parent, a child or a friend? The Jewish national day of mourning, Tisha B’Av, which is observed for ours commencing Saturday night, asks and answers those questions. At least it asks them and provides us with…
Overcoming Religious Rage
Brad Hirschfield
Once again, I am overwhelmed by the evidence suggesting that we humans are always ready to do real harm in the name of a good cause. In fact, especially when it comes to religion, nothing seems to make us happier — though that fact makes me very sad. The comments around my recent post about…
The Journey from Skinhead to Ultra-Orthodox Jew
Brad Hirschfield
Alana Elias Kornfeld, an assistant editor at, details a Polish man’s journey from being a neo-Nazi skinhead to his current life as an ultra-Orthodox Jew living in Warsaw. The amazing thing about it though, is how little distance lies between the two points in that journey. No, I don’t think that being an ultra-Orthodox…
Condoleezza Rice’s Aspen Performance Helps Barack Obama
Brad Hirschfield
Yesterday evening’s musical performance by Condoleezza Rice at the Aspen Institute and Aspen Music Festival should have been called, Shanda (Yiddish for travesty) and Schubert. But Boosha (Hebrew for shame) and Brahms would be just as appropriate. What else to label this mostly musical performance before some of the nations most influential citizens? With global…
Are You Ethically Kosher?
Brad Hirschfield
That’s the big question being addressed by Hekhsher Tzedek, an initiative led primarily by rabbis in the Conservative movement, most notably Rabbi Morris Allen of Beth Jacob Congregation in Mendota Heights, Minnesota. With new guidelines just released in which they set out the criteria which a business must meet in order to gain this group’s…
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