CREATURE COMFORT. People want to know you care about them, that you’re not running game for a dollar.

How do we get people to take action? What motivates people generally speaking? Could it be??? “It’s not what you say, but how you say it? Dale Carnegie once said, “When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion. This is true in business and in life. People are hungry to be heard and understood. In order to connect, we must relate to the emotions with sincerity, concern, and honesty. 

People especially millennials, minorities, women are tired of being pushed and pulled around. Politicians, media and advertisers have pushed the limits on maintaining integrity of products, services, journalism and promises. The majority of consumers particularly right now are in no place for foolish spending or foolish decision- making. It can be hard to see through the rhetoric and the public’s trusts in major corporations, organizations and government is declining from all the over promising and un-delivering and the public is pushing back.

To connect to your audience or your wife for that matter, takes being authentic, open, warm, honest, and direct when communicating. We all have a built in barometer that tells us when something is off, it’s our warning sign as consumers and in our relationships not to fall for the nonsense.

There has been several recent studies that have examined what consumers really want more than ever when making some type of purchase- Honesty and Authenticity are the most important attributes, particularly to millennials and women.

Cohn & Wolfe confirmed a study that found 63% of consumers surveyed across 12 global markets would buy from a company they consider to be authentic over and above its competitors and price. 6 out of 10 would recommend an honest organization to family and friends.

Indeed, a leading 91% of respondents agreed that it’s important for companies to communicate honestly about their products and services, and 87% agreed that companies should act with integrity all the time. By comparison, only 6 in 10 felt that it’s important that companies have products or services they cannot live without.

A study from Mindshare North America finds that it’s vital that brands communicate their good intentions to millennials, for whom “friendship values” are a building block of identity.

Honesty and integrity plays such a vital role in getting one to act. Our core identity is shaken and we retreat, otherwise.

According to Merriam- Webster, a relationship is the way in which two or more people, groups, countries, organizations, etc., talk to, behave toward, and deal with each other.

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