captain_obviousTwo little fish are swimming along in the ocean one morning when they meet with an older fish who casually asks them, “Hello fella’s, how’s the water today?”

They responded with equal casualness, “Fine, sir” and then, they continued to swim on. After a moment passed, one of the younger fish turns to the other and asks, “What the hell is water?”

The point is obvious. But, isn’t it true that often, the most obvious signs of Divine grace are all around us, but we miss them? We fail to see, or express our thanks…our deepest and most profound thanks…for the most obvious…the air you breathe…the sunshine, as well as the rains, the Presence so obvious in the eyes and smiles of another we but casually meet along the way?

What is spiritual enlightenment?

The capacity to see, and so appreciate, the most obvious signs of grace…God’s inexpressible grace.

Awaken, my friends. Spirituality need not be more complicated than joy over the obvious.

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