CathedralA Hebrew word which, in its root form, means “to stop,” “to cease.” A strong word and every time I say it, I get this mental image of a huge, red sign with the word STOP on it.

Not a bad reminder.

So what needs to STOP in your life?

Your work? The founder of Chick-Fil-A got this much right, even if they have gotten many other things wrong. You won’t find their stores open on Sunday. I’m not arguing here for a throwback to the days of the old “blue” laws, as they were known. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, rest assured that’s not where we need to return. But returning to “rest”…well, that’s a “horse-of-a-different-color.” The day is not what’s important. It’s what the day was meant to provide you – a day of rest from work.

What needs to STOP for you?

Your worship? When I was a minister, Sunday was the hardest day of my week. What I did not realize at the time, it was equally as hard…maybe harder…for the worshipers I expected to be there. And, if they were not, I would remind them they were failing in their Christian duty. Instead of Sunday being a day of rest, it was, and still is in most churches, a carnival of madness.The actors are clowns looking to perform on a stage that draws higher ratings than the show across town. In those days, Most people came to church tired and worn out, and I suspect they still do, not only from a insane work week, but from trying to fulfill their religious duties on Sunday. They seemed sleepy and so I tried all the harder to keep them awake. It did not occur to me that they actually needed sleep more than they needed a sermon.

If I were to go back into the pastoral ministry…which of course I will not…but I think I would just leave the church house open 24/7…kind of like the Catholics used to do and a few still do…and people could drop in and out any time they wished or felt the need or the urge and, when they entered…

Instead of all the busy-ness…instead of all the crowds pushing and shoving and seeking the best seat in the house in full view of the performers on stage…

Instead of all the loud music and incessant mind-occupying, emotionally-arousing noise that goes on almost without stopping…

I think it might be nice to just walk in…smell the aroma of candles burning and residues of incense and lots and lots and lots of nothing…just pure silence…quietness…Presence…now that to me would be…


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