You are thinking that what has happened to you is a “failure.” Right?

Think again.

Could it be, as someone has put it, that “what you perceive as a failure is simply life unfolding in a new direction?”

Can you wrap your mind around that question? Will you entertain this possibility?  That what you now feel is a huge setback is really just a step in a new direction?

In other words, what would happen if you viewed what was happening right now, not as some unwanted experience you must resist – which, of course, you are – but, instead, it is the very thing that must happen in order for Life itself to carry you toward your intended destiny?

Let me ask it another way:  Can you trust that your life is unfolding just as it is supposed to unfold? And, how do you know if you are now living from a place of trust? Peace and tranquility? Knowing inside, you cannot explain what’s happening, but you simply trust that life is as it should be?  How do you know when you are living by faith?

When you no longer have to ask the question.

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