parachutingTo believe, what does that mean?

To have faith, can you explain?

Faith, the capacity to believe, is an innate gift of Divine grace imparted to you at birth. In other words, you are a believer at birth.

How do I know this?

I was reminded of this as I awakened today. I went to sleep last night, as I have done 21,000-plus times before, knowing…believing…trusting…that I would awaken the next morning.

I did. You did, too.

I am often asked, “How can I trust God will take care of me?”  ”How might I be a stronger believer?”

Stop trying.

Whenever I “try” to go to sleep at night, I lie awake. When I let go of everything, however, I fall into sleep as effortlessly as a skydiver falls through the atmosphere.

The more you can let go of trying to control your life…your circumstances…your anxiety over how your going to make it…the more you practice just turning loose, closing your eyes, and then taking the leap, the more quickly you will discover, what I call, the parachute of Divine Presence.

Just when you feel you’re falling, you discover you’re flying

This is what it means to be a person of faith…beyond all beliefs.

This is what Jesus meant when he asked, “Do you believe?” (Jn 11:25-28).

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