1927131_10152034701994671_1560447198_nI just witnessed the most remarkable display of ingenuity, creativity, and organization I’ve seen in a long time. I just got off the shuttle bus at the LAX airport in LA, after a short ride from the Hilton Hotel. The bus driver, who doubled as a baggage handler, managed to board 25 passengers, arrange their luggage not only by airline but by the stops at each airline terminal, seat all of us comfortably, handle the baggage all by himself, and drive us safely to the airport.

Since my terminal was the last stop, I watched, as did everyone else on the bus, as he made every stop, escorted each passenger down the steps and off the bus, retrieved everyone’s luggage for them to boot, and, if you can believe this, he even remembered whose luggage belonged to whom.

As I stepped off the bus, I handed him my business card and a twenty dollar bill, and I had no luggage besides my man purse, and I said, “My friend you are living proof that you can transform your world, as well as change any and every work environment, by regarding what you do as important, as of course it is, by bringing all of one’s creativity to it, and by just plain working damn hard and doing so with dignity, with pride, and with determination.

It reminded me of something someone said to me just yesterday, “I changed my future when I changed my mind about three things…

1. What I thought about myself;

2. What I felt about my role in this world; and,

3. Most importantly, when I decided that, what I did today, not tomorrow or next year, but what I was going to today was to make it the best possible day for everyone who might pass through my little world.”

I have to say, the longer I live, the more convinced I become, you change your world but only ever to that degree you have changed yourself.

Oh and one more thing. I told him,”If you ever come to Kentucky, you have a job already in my company. I’m looking for a great leader to run things and I suspect you would be perfect.”

— feeling wonderful at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).

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