The delays…interruptions…to your important life, as well as mine, are quite frustrating, are they not?

Who hasn’t experienced a flight delay? A mechanical problem? A cancelled flight? Or, a traffic jam? Or, having to wait in the checkout lane?

They’re everywhere. They’re a nuisance. They interfere with the best laid plans. They’re a pain in the you-know-what.


Well, of course, that’s one way to look at them. But there might be another, suggests Mark Nepo in his wonderful The Book of Awakening. Maybe these delays and interruptions that interfere with and disrupt our very important schedules, instead of being life’s little and frustrating interruptions, maybe they are Divine interventions…messages from beyond…or, perhaps God’s invitation to pause…to slow down…to pay attention…to reflect…to enter into the very Presence of God.

What if, my friend, you were to practice this day viewing every delay, every interruption, even traffic jam or even the wait at the restaurant for a table…what if, you decided to enter into the flow and, instead of reacting, you slowed down? You paused? You paid attention to your surroundings? You entered into the moment?

What would happen? Here are the ways life’s interruptions help you…

1. They offer you the opportunity to actually slow down.  And, who of us would not benefit from this? See if you can feel your heart beating. Observe your breathing. Use this delay as an opportunity to dial-down the frenetic pace of your life. See what happens.

2. Life’s little interruptions are portals into the present moment. The main reason you and I so often feel disconnected from life is because we are disconnected from NOW! We’re thinking about where we’re going, what we have to do, the activities of the day. Or, we are remembering the past, the argument we just had with our spouse, the employee with whom we had a disagreement the day before…the…

Well, you get the point. What if, when you catch yourself today racing about, running here and there, preoccupied with all the important, earth-shattering stuff of your life…what if…when the interruption comes – and, it is likely to come – what if you viewed it as an opportunity to enter into the portal of this present moment?

3. Life’s delays can be occasions to connect with others. I was reminded of this on a recent flight through Atlanta. Unanticipated harsh weather literally shut down the busiest airport in the world. Flights were cancelled by the hundreds. Passengers were stranded and I was among them.

Such occasions can be opportunities to complain, gripe, fuss, and fume and there was plenty of that to go around. But they can also be opportunities to engage…to share stories with complete strangers…to make new friends…to connect with others. And, in the end, my friend, what could be more important than this?

4. Here’s the fourth thing to remember about life’s interruptions: they are Divine reminders that the Divine Presence is with you…and with you always.  Much of the displeasure we feel at many of life’s disruptions stems from our disconnected feelings with the Source of Life itself.

So, next time you see the red rear lights on the cars ahead of you all brighten and you quickly discover the interstate has slowed to a near stop with traffic, instead of reacting…reeling inside…

Instead of responding with curses and cries of frustration…

Open your eyes my friend and look for the Presence.  God is in every moment…every experience…even in every disruption.

This is…

Your Best Life Now!

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