To walk with God is the goal of human life. What this means to Christians is not so different than what “mindfulness” means to practitioners of eastern traditions. Many of you know I wrote a book about walking with God. It is entitled The Enoch Factor: The Sacred Art of Knowing God. It’s all about…

Faith is hard work. Hard won, too. “Just believe!” say some. After all, didn’t Jesus say, “Become as a little child?” (Matt. 18:3). If, by faith, you are talking about – and, many Christians are – subscribing to a neatly packaged box of propositional statements, then yes, of course, faith is not so hard and…

“Because I’m happy…clap along…” Pharrel Williams sings it. “Because I’m happy…clap along…” Miss America sings it. “Because I’m happy…clap along…” We all sing it. Frankly, I’ve heard the popular song so much on the radio and television, I’m ready for a new song. Which IS the problem with this kind of happy. Even the song…

TODAY’s RELIGIOUS RANT Some very conservative Christian friends of mine (and they seem to be growing fewer and fewer in number these days, which saddens me) are so very offended by me and, very often, justifiably so. I can be very cutting and crass and, as a consequence, come across very insensitive to where other…

Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality without Religion. That’s the title to Sam Harris’ new book. Now, this should be interesting. For those curious, as I am, about spirituality but who have abandoned organized religion (and, according to the 2012 Pew Forum the number has grown to 20% of the adults in the US – the fastest…

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