The problem with most of our praying – my prayers, too, mind you – is this: we pray because we are looking for a way out. But why? Precisely because nobody likes pain. Nobody looks for uncertainty. Nobody wants to suffer.
What healthy-minded person prays for pain…for suffering? No, as a matter of fact, we do everything we can to avoid either.
Which is where prayer comes in.
For most of us, most of the time, prayer is…
A longing for a way out…
May I suggest something?
No, maybe most of the time…
The only way out is the way through.
Or, so reminded Mark Nepo in The Book of Awakening.
Instead of reducing prayer to a laundry list of things you’d like to be rescued from…sickness, suffering, separation, sadness…
Instead of praying and looking for a way out…
What if you made it your practice to do the following?
Whenever you face something totally overwhelming…and, btw, if you have not yet faced something totally overwhelming, it isn’t because you’re special. It isn’t because you just happen to be doing everything right so God is “on your side.” It isn’t because your faith is strong compared to others.
Nope, it’s more likely you’ve just been lucky.
Yea, you could call it luck. You might as well. That’s about as good an explanation as any you’ll ever come up with on your own for why life has treated you kindly…
So far.
The Way Out is the Way Through
But, take it from one who’s been around the corner a time or two…
Luck runs out.
Count on it.
Your moment is coming.
I’m pretty sure I can say, “Yep, your day is coming.”
A few of you reading this are in the middle of the biggest challenged you’ve ever faced.
Here’s what I’m suggesting. Instead of praying…pleading…promising…
Do this.
1. Pray three times to escape. Jesus did.
2. End each prayer for escape with a prayer of surrender. Jesus did (Luke 22:42).
“Not my will but yours be done.”
3. See what happens.
It’s called Enlightenment. Salvation. Awakening.
The old country preachers I grew up with…well…they just called it, “Gettin’ saved.”
And, “saved” didn’t mean “escape.”
Nope, it meant “Surrender.” Therein is the mystery of peace.