Your Charmed Life

Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren of the Minneapolis raw food restaurant, Ecopolitan, shares "what you should eat every day" with a group of yoga students. Life coach and author Victoria Moran passes the information along.

In the wake of suspicions that use of the popular weight loss drug Alli may lead to liver damage, Victoria Moran, author of The Love-Powered Diet, suggests a proven program for losing weight for good, drug-free.

Ten questions and suggestions to coach yourself into discovering your life's purpose.

Following up on Friday's controversial post, blogger Victoria Moran poses more questions on the health care reform debate, asking questions about health freedom and alternative health care.

Author Victoria Moran considers the Whole Foods Boycott and the health care reform question, wondering if, even though she eats arugula and tofu, she just might be a conservative after all.

Creating a Charmed Life author Victoria Moran explores her appreciation of good pens and other accoutrements of the good life. They don't have to cost much.

Life coach and cat-parent Victoria Moran learns from a capable cat groomer the ease and grace of doing things right.

Victoria Moran, a vegan and author of The Love-Powered Diet, has long been a supporter of Peta. Their current campaign that refers to obese persons as "whales" puts Moran, who struggled with weight for years herself, on the other side.

Living a Charmed Life author Victoria Moran shares her Top 10 Charmed Life Experiences, with an invitation that readers make their own Top 10 Life Experiences list.

Inspired by Jordan Christy's book How to Be a Hepburn in a Hilton World, blogger and author Victoria Moran finds the Hepburn-esque qualities in a friend.

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