Your Charmed Life

In "Raw Pie Recipe," blogger Victoria Moran shares the recipe for Blueberry Pie (copyright 2005, Jennifer Cornbleet) from Cornbleet's book Raw Food Made Easy for 1 or 2 People (Book Publishing Co.). This is a vegan pie, all raw, with no refined sweeteners.

This evening I got on the best subway car ever, heading for the workshop I was to give at the Integral Yoga Institute downtown. I saw the guy with the guitar, but this fellow was no mere troubador. Instead of just playing and singing, he was conducting a rousing music trivia contest, promising $2 to…

Before my mother died, she said, “We used to think you were crazy, doing that yoga and eating all those vegetables. But now people’s doctors tell them to do that.” I thought that was the ultimate vindication for my lifestyle. But now there’s more — way more. This is a direct quote from the totally-up-on-everything-veg…

This evening I was blessed with a house blessing—well, condo blessing: a space clearing ritual performed by Donna Henes, “Mama Donna, the Urban Shaman.” We’ve lived here nine months, the longest I’ve gone without a house blessing in the past twenty years. It was past due. When I called Mama Donna, she suggested this date because…

I have always kept this blog and my subscription newsletter, “The Charmed Monday Minute” ( separate and discrete, but someone sent me a “Question of the Week” for the newsletter that so touched me I wanted to share it with you, too. If you get the newsletter, pardon the repeat. Look at it this way:…

I’m not ignoring you: this browser problem means that not only can I not do links or images, I can’t respond to comments either. To Theresa who just asked about organic food: I’m with you — sometimes buying conventional produce just seems scary, almost like somebody sprayed it with Raid while you were watching. But…

The way the charmed nature of my life is showing itself most today is in how amazing I feel. I tweeted yesterday ( that I was feeling so good and found myself adding: “Being raw is better than being twenty.” It’s true: I’m not sure I ever felt as energized, steady, and at peace as…

I had the best night. William and I got our Dick Gregory tickets a month ago, as soon as I made a wrong turn on Broadway and saw in the window of Caroline’s on Broadway that he’d be performing. He was funny and brilliant and poignant: almost every joke had a message inside, i.e., “Strange,…

I already knew I missed writing and receiving real-letters-on-paper, but I was just reminded how much I miss them. I was looking through old photo albums for pictures of commedian/activist Dick Gregory. (He’ll be in NYC tonight and tomorrow night at Caroline’s on Broadway, a comedy club. I knew him back in the 70s and…

I’ve been doing some very popular presentations of late under the rubric of “How to Live a More Spiritual Life.” To that end, I’ve come up with “10 Power Principles of the Spiritual Life.” Take these out for a spin: 1. To gain happiness: Feel grateful and express gratitude. 2. To know peace: Get silence…

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