Your Charmed Life

Gosh, I had a great 5 days. I know I didn’t do much to catch up on blogging after my computer crash, but being online at Summerfest ( was tough. There was WiFi in the public spaces, but that was the problem: since I was one of the speakers, I couldn’t sit in a public space…

I feel as if I should produce a note from my mom as to my extended absence. My dog didn’t eat my blog, but my hard drive came near to shuffling the mortal coil and had to be replaced. It took longer than anticipated, so I spent nearly a week in the pre-90s world of…

In honor of your holiday weekend, I thought you’d enjoy this clip from my latest book, Living a Charmed Life: TAKE TRAIN TRIPS AND ROAD TRIPS(c) 2009 by Victoria Moranfrom Living a Charmed Life: Your Guide to Finding Magic in Every Moment of Every DayHarperOne, San Francsico, California Flying has become an odd default. When…

Remember how, when you a kid, it was almost worth being sick so you could stay home from school? I’m having a similar feeling right now: my computer is acting funny. It’s running slowly and it gives me the black screen of death more frequently than it ought to. So I’m taking it to the…

I had lunch today with a writer-friend who asked for a reminder about how we met. He said, “I must know thousands of people. It’s hard to keep everyone straight.” I know what he’s talking about. We know more people—even in person, much less on Facebook—than our ancestors could have dreamed of. (That’s in addition…

I’ve had a jam-packed day. Sometimes I think the best way to write this blog called “Your Charmed Life” is just to share about my charmed life. First: thanks to everyone who posted comments or wrote to me with condolences about the death of my glorious dog, Aspen. Your kindness means so much, and I…

Thanks for bearing with me through the loss of my dog. You know what I did Sunday afternoon to feel a little better? I went out. I just walked out into the world where life was going on and felt a major uplift. The Italian ice vendors were out, and the people who’d gone to…

I don’t usually write on Sunday, but I’m making an exception, as I watch my life trying to rearrange itself in the wake of Aspen’s death.  It’s always hard when someone you love leaves, regardless of species. The tragic deaths, those that are untimely or violent, are the most difficult, but even a merciful death as…

This is the latest I’ve ever blogged: after midnight in New York but earlier where the blog posts so I get in officially for Friday. I’m writing this now because, late as it is and with everything else going on, it is the next thing indicated. This concept of doing whatever life presents, gratefully and…

Late again. I feel like the Night Blogger of South Harlem.  I guess the keynote I’m sensing right now is the fragility of life. We lost Ed McMahon, and Farrah Faucett lost her battle to cancer. Michael Jackson died with no warning at all. And I visited Aspen who’s swollen from lymphoma and breathing hard…

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