Your Charmed Life

It’s after 10 and I haven’t blogged yet. This morning my daughter saw that Aspen’s side was distended. She took her to the veterinary oncologist and learned the worst: Aspen’s lymphoma is no longer in remission. We were looking at two more treatments and many months of her being cancer-free, but overnight, everything changed. She…

This is a really big day in my life as a writer. It is the first (and most important, they tell me) day in a week-long campaign to get my new book, Living a Charmed Life, into the hands of as many readers as possible. Anyone who clicks on the link and buys the book gets to…

One of the hats I wear is as a health person. I started my career as a health writer and with books such as Younger by the Day and The Love-Powered Diet, I’m still very much a part of that world. With summer starting today (or yesterday, depending upon what calendar I consult), this seems…

I’m the odd one out in even my pro-animal-rights family when it comes to Peta‘s antics that seem well outside the scope of serious work for the cause. The latest flap about the executive fly-swatting incident is a case in point.  “It makes us all look ridiculous,” William said today. “I know Peta has done a…

Nearly two years ago, my teenage stepson died suddenly. To try not to add to my husband’s grief, I did my crying away from home, usually on the subway. Ever tolerant New Yorkers left me to my feelings, or touched my arm or proffered a tissue. Once a Salvation Army woman spoke to Jesus on…

I speak periodically at the New Age Health Spa, and discovered there these astounding facts on stress and the effect meditation has on reducing it. These were collected by David and Karen Gamow, Clarity Seminars, Mountain View, California. With thanks to the Gamows and the New Age, I share with you:   Top 10 Facts…

This is a Buddhist prayer that shows up in myriad places every now and then. I was re-introduced to it by a lovely Reiki practitioner in New York City, Sandra Ploth ( I hope it fills your heart and soul and makes a difference for you today:   May you be filled with loving kindness…

A wonderful little book arrived in my mailbox the other day from the good people at All Addicts Anonymous. It’s called How to Get Going: On the All Addicts Anonymous Way of Life — a program of recovery for all addicts and all addictions. They’re a Twelve Step group based on the principles of oldtime…

Who first used the term “charmed life”? Shakespeare! Good heavens, he came up with a lot. I was researching the roots of “a charmed life” and found this on Meaning A life of guaranteed good fortune or invulnerability, by virtue of a charm or spell. Origin From Shakespeare’s Macbeth, 1605:     “Thou losest labour:…

I wrote this over a year ago. It feels even more applicable now. Maybe you can relate:          I want a life with less stuff in it – fewer clothes I don’t wear, less mail and less paper; fewer to-do list items that don’t make my heart sing. I want everything in my home to…

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