Your Charmed Life

A successful life is, I believe, one that can be viewed from its end without regrets. May this help you to that: 1. Don’t hurt anybody. This means anybody, but especially those close to you. And if you hurt someone inadvertently, make amends. 2. Help where you can. More regrets come from sins of commission than…

I’m speaking at the New Age Health Spa (yeah, it’s wonderful) and thought I’d share with you this clip from The Love-Powered Diet: Eating for Freedom, Health, and Joy [(c) 2009 Victoria Moran, Lantern Books, NYC]. Honesty is essential in overcoming any addiction, food included, and these exercises prove helpful to civilians, as well: Honesty Exercises Drive…

I’m on the road so much for work that I don’t really take pleasure trips, and yet sometimes travel for work seems like a pleasure trip. This past week in LA was like that. Even though it’s “June gloom” season—cooler and cloudier than the rest of the year—it was beautiful and flower-filled and made me…

This is a quick post before I head for John Wayne Airport in Orange County. I’ve driven valiantly in LA these past five days, but my only freeway experience was Sunday when there was no traffic, so today will be the test. It’s funny, what takes courage. For me, a New Yorker who seldom drives,…

    Someone told me a long time ago that life has four basic parts that we can visualize as an all-arms-equal cross, like the Red Cross symbol. The four arms are: faith and spirituality; health, joy, and personal well-being; family, friends, and other heart connections; and work in the world: survival, service, creativity, fulfillment.    …

I asked fabulous feng shui consultant, Liz Brown, for a few easy tips anyone could implement in a hurry without having a background in the Chinese art of placement. And she wrote this whole article. I do know some of the most amazing people… Top 10 Feng Shui Tips to Enhance Your Home & Change…

I am visiting my friend Suzanne who lives in heaven. Not harps-and-angels-heaven, earth-heaven. She has created in her home tucked away in the Sunset Hills of West Hollywood something of a cross between Eden and Fantasyland. Her back patio and garden is a colorful jungle of everything that blooms. Oranges hang from tree branches. The…

Okay, I live a charmed life. The party for The Love-Powered Diet happened last night and it was like Baby Bear’s porridge: just right.  For starters, we were in the midst of all those amazing Peter Max paintings. I grew up on that work. It helped shape me, as it did many people of my generation.…

PLAYTIME!an excerpt fromThe Love-Powered Diet: Eating for Freedom, Health, and Joy(c) Victoria MoranLantern Books, May 2009 Play is as essential for a happy life as are good nutrition, sleep, and exercise. It’s an excellent de-stressor that can clear your thinking and help you put things in better perspective. Play and creativity are also inextricably linked.…

Some people think I have a very exciting life, even borderline glamorous. And sometimes I think so too. But the lessons of life get in there for all of us—karma or whatever it is—and I sometimes feel like one of those toys that’s weighted on the bottom: you punch it and it bounces back. Do…

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