Your Charmed Life

Last night William and I went to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Annex to see the John Lennon exhibit. I was a major Beatles fan in my youth, got to my first Beatles press conference in Kansas City at 14, my second in Toronto at 15, and when I was 16 befriended a road…

I thought you might enjoy this. I wrote it a couple of years ago. Two different magazines bought it and then un-bought it. Maybe that means you’re supposed to be reading it now. I find this a joy-filled tribute to “mixed marriages”—people coming together with different ways of seeing things and making it work. It…

If you’re a champion of the non-humans with whom we share this planet, here’s a way to help some of them without writing a check. Just click on these sites — daily if you can — and your clicks keep the corporate contributions coming. The info comes from Mary Max, wife of noted artist Peter Max…

The Kirstie Ally interview on Oprah a couple of weeks ago nearly broke my heart. I identified — and not just because Kirstie and I are about the same age and we’re both Midwestern gals with a lot of spunk. Here’s what we really have in common: food — too much of it, eaten for the…

When I was in seventh grade, my friend Rebecca Gott and I worked hard at being mystics. (She moved away to Nederland, Colorado. I’ve looked for her ever since. If via the magic of the Internet you know her, please put us in touch.) All that aside, Rebecca and I read (or tried to read) many…

I just spent two days with my stepsisters, Jan and Pam. This is probably the most concentrated time we’ve had together since my mother married their father when I was nine. Jan was older, a teenager and a beauty queen — way out of my league. Pam was eight and we got along (we were…

Sometimes things happen. Everything was great and then: wham! The job goes, the truelove isn’t true, the yearly checkup has bad news. What do you do? You marshal your resources, give it all you’ve got, and RE-create a charmed life if need be. Here’s my take on this, based on “Recreate a Charmed Life if…

I received an intriguing message from my friend and colleague, holistic pyschotherapist Dr. Lynda Klau. The subject line was “You probably don’t have time to read this email.” I thought, “You got that right,” and for that very reason, I opened it. She told the story of how she taughter her mother, facing cancer at age…

More video from Living a Charmed Life … This is the story of the most amazing manicure on record. Intrigued? Give a look. (Note: the clip is a bit longish — 7 minutes, 38 seconds.)

Okay, that’s a hopeful title. It will take more than one person, even President Obama or Bill Gates, to get the national and global financial system back to health. But each of us can do our part. Here’s my Top 10: See prosperity in the world. Look for it and when you see it — a…

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