Your Charmed Life

I shared with you last week a video clip from a Living a Charmed Life presentation, “Your Inner Epicure.” She’s inside you to help you enjoy the varied sensory and earthly delights of life. Her big sister is “Your Inner Chaperone.” Like Cinderella’s fairy godmother, she’s a part of your personality (or he is, if…

This is my daughter, Adair, and her husband, Nick, at their wedding. (And Aspen, flower dog, whom you already know if you’ve read this blog for awhile.) They’re spending Mother’s Day with Nick’s parents in Vermont (high time, too — I’ve had them for four years). And my husband is with his kids in Toronto…

I”m so excited: everybody who didn’t get to come to Barnes & Noble Monday night can join me for pieces of it right here! Thanks to a wonderful Internet marketing consultant who happened to be there on Monday, I have video to share. (She is totally brilliant, by the way – check out her services…

Today a year-old cow escaped from a slaughterhouse in Queens, NY. She was apprehended but spared, and she’ll spend her life at a sanctuary. Tonight on the local news the anchors cheered her on, saying that she deserved her freedom. That’s nice. But what about all the others?  Book recommendation: The Face on Your Plate,…

If I were my own life coach, I would say: “Victoria, the hell with it. Seriously. Take care of yourself, take care of your family, and everything else can take a number.” And since I am my own life coach right now (I’m spending my money on book publicity), I’ve been taking my advice.  As a…

This weekend William and I saw Every Little Step, a splendid documentary about the casting process for the Broadway revival of A Chorus Line. I loved it and I cried. Sobbed, in fact. William asked if I wanted to leave. I think it’s hard for men to understand “good tears.” These were super-tears. I was blubbering…

You’re reading a blog called “Your Charmed Life,” and I’d like to give you on this May Day some suggestions that I think lead to living one. These are the 12 I came up with, drawing on my new book Living a Charmed Life, for the teleclass I taught last night for 500 people…

William and I have lived in our new “green” condo for nearly six months. I haven’t had it space-cleared or house-blessed yet (note to self: do that), but yesterday it was blessed inadvertently by the presence of a couple of friends.  Because I was swamped with details to tend to (mail, phone, errands, stuff), I…

This is Aspen. She is fifteen. I found her on a street corner in Kansas City when she was a skinny young stray, and she and my daughter have been inseparable ever since. It wasn’t an easy beginning. I was a frazzled single mom with an eleven-year-old, more house and yard than I knew what…

My husband commented a few days ago: “You’re always weird when you have a book coming out.” This month, I actually have two: Living a Charmed Life: Your Guide to Finding Magic in Every Moment of Every Day is going on sale this very day. In the middle of the May, The Love-Powered Diet: Eating for…

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