I am a big believer in the power of prayer and with all that is happening in the world around us, I invite you to join me in becoming a great Prayer Warrior.

A Prayer Warrior is someone who is willing to commit to a daily, heartfelt prayer practice…and who is willing to pray alone, for others, with others, and even for strangers. The world desperately needs all of our prayers, now more than ever. I trust and believe that with the constant, incessant roar of our collective prayers, we can all help heal the world and this country in this time of great need.

When we have cultivated our faith and are tapped into the power of God, we are open to receiving the signs and messages that serve as direction and guideposts in our life. However, the practice and exercise of faith and prayer is not unlike becoming a great dancer. We can all dance. But only those who are willing to commit time and energy to the practice of dancing become great dancers. 

To become a Prayer Warrior takes practice, but the results can be powerful and miraculous. Prayer is a form of direct collaboration with God that allows us to be connected to his invisible force – like a tether that you know is always there and can tug on whenever you need  – and know that God is always there on the other end of the line.

We can all move through this challenging time with greater ease by becoming great Prayer Warriors. Are you willing to join me on this journey? If so, here is what I invite you to do:


1. Pray every day upon rising and before going to bed.

2. Ask for guidance on how you can be of service to your family and community.

3. Pray for help and relief to those who are in financial struggle; food for the hungry; shelter for those without homes.

4. Pray for aid, guidance and support in your own life, for your employer, your neighbors and your community.

5. Pray for the economy to become healthy and strong.

6. Pray to become financially aware and empowered.

7. Join one of Beliefnet’s prayer circles and connect with other Prayer Warriors.

8. Read the passage below for inspiration and to remind you of your commitment to being a great Prayer Warrior.


Pray for what you cannot see.
Pray clearly
for what you can only faintly grasp.
Pray silently
from the core of your being.
Pray for healing.
Pray for humanity.
Pray lovingly
Pray deeply —
pray so deeply that
the prayer and the praying
become one.

~Charles Elkind



 Together we can overcome. Peace & Blessings! 

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