Today’s Money Coaching blog is for Connie who wrote in with the following money issues;
“My name is Connie and I have a prayer need for myself and family.
I recently lost my home of 15 years to foreclosure and if matters
weren’t bad enough, I lost my job. I am still unemployed and need to
find a job that will cover the rent and pay my bills so I can take care
of my family. I have two children, and my oldest is autistic. Please
pray for me as I am weak and weary.”
Dear Connie,
You may be weary and emotionally weakened by your circumstances but YOU ARE NOT WEAK! Cancel that thought and replace it with this intention and affirmation. Our thoughts, words and intentions have real power so we must choose and use them wisely.
“Everyday in every way I am getting stronger and more resourceful. My perfect job and life is unfolding perfectly. I put my faith and trust in God and know that my family and I are taken care of.”
Remember Connie, you are a child of God and as such have the answers to all of your life’s circumstances inside of you. I know this time is challenging but it’s important to stay positive and hopeful during this time. For only if we lose hope and faith can we become defeated.
Instead, rise every day with a commitment to working your spiritual practice, to doing the necessary and right actions, and to taking care of yourself, physically and emotionally. If you feel alone in this process, ask for help. Regardless of your circumstances, you still deserve to be supported, so reach out to friends, family or community resources.
You are worthy and valuable beyond your wildest knowing. Here is a prayer for you today:
Dear God,
Deliver me to my passion.
Deliver me to my brilliance.
Deliver me to my intelligence.
Deliver me to my depth.
Deliver me to my nobility.
Deliver me to my beauty.
Deliver me to my power to heal.
Deliver me to You.
~ Marianne Williamson