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Sometimes we just need a little help.
But when we need help, we don’t always know where to go, or who to turn
to. When this happens, it’s not uncommon to fall into depression and
experience feelings of despair.

of our readers have expressed their own fears and challenges recently
and I want to make sure that all our readers know where to go for help if
you or someone you know is feeling overwhelmed or unable to cope.

Most of all, I want you to know how valuable each and every one of you are. We all matter and deserve
help and support in finding our way through life’s challenges. If
we can simply  allow ourselves to reach out, there are many resources of
support available to us. So, if someone you know is in despair, please reach out
to them and offer them this information so they can get the help and
support they need.

Also, if you, or someone you know, are feeling hopeless or
in despair, please reach out to one or more of these resources:

  1.   Reach out to a friend who is a good listener.

  2.   Contact a local minister or rabbi and ask for help.  
    The Samaritans have created an incredible support system for
    people in despair called “the befrienders.” They can be reached 24
    hours a day for compassionate, non-judgemental emotional support. You
    can speak confidentially with a volunteer on the phone, or e-mail them.
  4.   You can also talk to a therapist online at Psych Central.

  5.    There is an online depression support group called “Walkers in
      where you can connect with others who can offer support.

  6.    If you are having suicidal thoughts or feelings, please call 1-800-SUICIDE.

  7.     If you are a teenager in need of help, call Covenant House at 1-800-999-9999.

  8. As a community here on Beliefnet, I’d like to ask those of you who feel
    moved to help others during this financial crisis to form a Prayer
    . Together, we can pray for those in financial despair to receive
    personal and financial help and support they greatly need and deserve.

Please say this prayer for all those in need today:

Dear God,
We ask for your love, guidance and support for all those in need at
this time. Help us each to have hope and faith during times of
struggle. Release us from the bondage of the past and awaken us to the
gift of today where hope and possibility lies waiting for us to return
and begin again. Help us to know that our true value and worth is far
greater than our net worth or financial struggles. Strengthen our faith
and help us to heal the illusion of separation. Return us to the truth
and the heart of your love. We surrender this you and know that it is
done. And so it is.

Peace & Blessings!

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