Difficult people are everywhere. It is hard to avoid them. They are noisy. They are argumentative. They kick up a big fuss when they don’t get their way. They can be aggressive. And the bottom line is that they are just plain annoying. I recently dealt with someone who is a very difficult person. This…

God has a special purpose for your life. In fact, he has a special purpose for each one of us. And from the moment that we are born until the day that we die, our job is to figure out our purpose and fulfill it. The challenge for many people is that they can’t figure…

You may have seen my church, the United Methodist Church, in the news this week. Unfortunately, the headlines have not been “United Methodist Church Makes Great Strides to Eliminate Poverty.” Nor have the headlines been, “United Methodist Church Leads the World Promoting the Welfare of Children.” If only. No instead, to my embarrassment, the headlines…

God has blessed each us with gifts and talents. We are called to develop those talents and use them to serve the world. Yet, many people don’t ever fully develop their gifts. They never reach their full potential. And typically, it isn’t due to being lazy. Rather, it is due to their holding self-defeating beliefs. We…

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