Recently, I spoke with a friend whose teenage daughter is struggling. When a therapist asked her daughter to name some of her own best qualities, her daughter couldn’t think of one. Hearing this pained me. My friend’s daughter is kind, beautiful, smart, athletic and artistically gifted. She absolutely has it all. Yet when this young lady…

It is easy to love other people when they are like us. It is easy to love people who agree with us politically, who have the same values as we do, and who have the same interests. Basically, it is easy to love people who we like. But Jesus doesn’t call us to merely love…

Knowing how to love other people is hard. None of us loves perfectly. As mothers and fathers, we love our children with every fiber of our being, but so often we make parenting mistakes. As husbands and wives, we want to be good to our spouses, but sometimes, we can’t figure out what they need…

We live in a crass world. Our politicians are noisy. Our celebrities can be loud and vulgar. And we can encounter rudeness even when doing something as mundane as going to the grocery store or driving down the street. The world can be an exhausting place. That is why most of us crave something better…

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