It is easy to succumb to unhealthy behaviors when we are under stress. Drinking alcohol, over-eating and watching too much television are some of the tempting ways that people deal with stress. The problem is that these behaviors ultimately end up making our lives even more stressful. However, there are healthy ways to deal with…

We all have lulls in life. We all have times when nothing seems to be moving forward. Perhaps we aren’t making progress professionally. Or maybe a relationship problem isn’t getting resolved, despite our best efforts. We might have a health issue that isn’t improving. It is easy to get discouraged when we don’t get what…

Most of us want to be helpful.  The problem is that in certain situations, helping can go down the slippery slope toward enabling. And then we end up facilitating bad behaviors and bad choices. How do you know when you are being an enabler? How do you know when your “help” is in fact keeping…

These days, I interact with a lot of old people. My friends and I now have elderly parents. Lots of the folks at my church are elderly. Even my health club is by and large attended by people over 65. And no, I don’t live in Florida! Being around lots of old people is eye-opening.…

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