We tend to think that forgiving others is something that we do for them.  But the reality is that when we forgive others, it is a gift that we give ourselves.  Whenever you forgive another person, you improve your own life. Admittedly, that sounds counterintuitive.  Shouldn’t the other person benefit if I forgive him or…

Anyone who has been successful in life will tell you that their success didn’t happen without effort.  For example, people aren’t handed their dream jobs on a silver platter.  No one loses weight without a diet and exercise plan.  Folks simply don’t achieve their dreams by accident.  Instead, success is achieved by doing one thing:…

Many people struggle with their self-esteem.  If you are one of them, know that you are not alone.  The world can be a very cruel place, and oftentimes, other people can be negative and harsh.  It is no small wonder that sometimes our self-esteem can be low. The problem with having low self-esteem is that…

Many people mistakenly seek to live a “balanced life.”  They believe that a balanced life will lead to greater happiness.  The problem is that if you live a balanced life, roughly everything in your life gets equal time.  However, not everything in your life is equally important.  As a result, to be truly happy, you…

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