2016-07-27 2016-07-27
Blu Greenberg is an author and lecturer who has published widely on the issues of feminism, Orthodoxy, and the Jewish family, as well as on other subjects of scholarly interest. Greenberg is the author of "On Women and Judaism: A View From Tradition," "How to Run a Traditional Jewish Household," "Black Bread: Poems After the Holocaust," and "King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba," a children's book co-authored with the Rev. Linda Tarry.

Since 1973, she has been active in the movement to bridge feminism and Orthodox Judaism. She chaired the first International Conference on Feminism and Orthodoxy in 1997 and the second in 1998. She is the co-founder and first president of the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance and has served on the boards of many organizations, including EDAH, the Covenant Foundation, Project Kesher, U.S. Israeli Women to Women, and the Jewish Foundation for Christian Rescuers. She is the current chair of the Petschek National Jewish Family Center, and a former president of the Jewish Book Council of America. She serves on the editorial board of Hadassah Magazine and on the advisory boards of Lilith, the Jewish Student Press Service, and the International Research Institute on Jewish Women.

She was a participant in Bill Moyers' "Genesis" special on PBS and a consultant to the film "The Prince of Egypt," and she serves on the Board of Religious Advisors to PBS's "Religion and Ethics Newsweekly." She lectures widely in Jewish communities and at universities in the U.S. and abroad.

She is married to Rabbi Irving Greenberg. They have five children and 12 grandchildren.

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