Screen It! is not attempting to rate the movie as good or bad but to give parents the tools to decide whether it's appropriate for their kids.
This movie has been screened for objectional content in 15 areas. Click for a detailed look.
Here's a quick summary of the content found in this R-rated drama. Profanity is extreme with more than 110 "f" words and plenty of other profanities and many colorful phrases. Some sexual activity is implied (and includes views of a woman's bare breasts), while male full frontal and rear nudity is seen a few times in the locker room. Several women's bare butts are mostly seen as they wear thong-like bottoms and some sexually related comments occur.
Several characters have bad attitudes and several scenes in the film involve people yelling and/or screaming at each other. The coach smokes cigars more than five times and also drinks to the point of appearing intoxicated (as does another character), while others drink and a woman is briefly seen snorting cocaine at a party.
Some bone-jarring football violence is present, as are some brief fights, some of which have somewhat bloody results. A character graphically vomits in several scenes (from nerves), while we hear graphic diarrhea sounds in another scene.
Since kids who are into professional football (along with any who are fans of anyone in the cast) will probably want to see this film, we suggest that you take a closer look at the listed content should you still be concerned with the film's appropriateness for anyone in your home.
- Drama: A professional football coach clashes with his team's owner and their hotshot, egotistical third-string quarterback as they try to make their way to the playoffs.
- Male teens and older preteens will probably be drawn to it if they're into professional football, or are fans of anyone in the cast.
- For strong language and some nudity/sexuality.
- AL PACINO plays the head coach, a man who often uses strong profanity to get his point across while trying to coach and/or do the best for his team. He also smokes cigars and drinks and has put football ahead of most everything else in his life (although he truly loves the game). He also enjoys the company of a young hooker.
- CAMERON DIAZ plays the near ruthless co-owner of the team who puts its bottom line ahead of the game, the players or the coaching staff. She also uses strong profanity.
- DENNIS QUAID plays the veteran quarterback whose injury threatens his career and causes him to rethink his future. He briefly uses strong profanity.
- JAMIE FOXX is the young quarterback who develops a bad attitude and becomes less and less of a team player as he becomes more successful and looks out for his own future. He also uses strong profanity.
- JAMES WOODS plays the team orthopedist who agrees to do some unscrupulous things for Christina in exchange for a promise of a better-renewed contract. He also uses strong profanity.
- LL COOL J plays the star running back who's looking out for himself and gets mad at Beamen for preventing him from doing that.
- JIM BROWN plays the team's tough defensive coordinator who uses strong profanity.
- LAWRENCE TAYLOR plays a veteran linebacker who continues to play despite the possibility of an injuring permanently damaging or even killing him.
- MATTHEW MODINE plays the team internist who wants the best for the players and clashes with Mandrake.
- ANN-MARGRET plays Christina's alcoholic mother who has grown to hate football.
- JOHN C. McGINLEY plays a colorful sportswriter who often has an unlit cigar in his mouth.
- LELA ROCHON plays Beamen's girlfriend who gets fed up with him putting her behind football in his list of priorities.
- ELIZABETH BERKLEY plays a woman who seems to be a hooker and who apparently fools around with D'Amato.
- AL PACINO plays the head coach, a man who often uses strong profanity to get his point across while trying to coach and/or do the best for his team. He also smokes cigars and drinks and has put football ahead of most everything else in his life (although he truly loves the game). He also enjoys the company of a young hooker.
Click on a category for specific details or scroll through the page for a broader overview.
Profanity | Sex/Nudity
Alcohol/Drugs | Disrespectful/Bad Attitude | Music (Inappropriate)
Blood/Gore | Violence | Smoking |
Imitative Behavior | Topics To Talk About | Frightening/Tense Scenes | Guns/Weapons | Tense Family Scenes | Music (Scary/Tense) | Jump Scenes
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- People have drinks in the owner's box and Margaret appears to be intoxicated.
- Cap takes another hit of liquid pain killer (via an IV) after the game.
- People have drinks and wine in a restaurant, where D'Amato has several drinks. Later, he appears to be somewhat drunk.
- During another game, people in the owner's box drink.
- People have drinks at a reception.
- Both Margaret and Tony appear to be drunk at a party.
- Mandrake tells Powers that if they get to the playoffs, among other things that they'll get is "weed."
- Beamen has a beer.
- We briefly see a woman snorting cocaine at a party where others drink.
- At another game people have drinks in the owner's box.
- D'Amato drinks in a bar along with Monroe.
- People have drinks.
- Margaret has a drink.
- People have more drinks in the owner's box.
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- We see what looks like dog urine on the floor of the owner's box next to Margaret's dog.
- We see Beamen vomit several times (from nerves) during several games (as well as on replayed TV footage that captured him in the act of doing that).
- A player is rushed into a bathroom stall and we then hear graphic diarrhea sounds.
- We see the mildly bloody cut on a player's head being stitched up.
- A player spits out some blood.
- Beamen has some blood on his cheek after getting into a fight.
- Rose has some blood on his head after D'Amato pushes him down into a dugout like area.
- We see what looks like some blood from Shark's mouth.
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- Some may see Christina as having both for only looking at the team as a business opportunity, and not caring about the game or the players and coaching staff.
- Christina conspires with/directs Mandrake to make sure players either don't play or do play to benefit the team's bottom line (and thus endangers the health of some of the players).
- Beamen begins to get a cocky attitude and changes the coach's plays in the huddle without his knowledge/permission and begins to see himself as the team's star instead of a team player (at a party he bad mouths some of his teammates). He also finds that he no longer has any time for his girlfriend and calls her a "bitch."
- Cindy doesn't respect Cap's decision to quit playing football.
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- A player appears to be severely injured or even dead, but he's alive when they take him off on a neck and body immobilizing board.
- The visceral way in which the game and related hits and tackles is presented may be unsettling to some viewers.
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- Although no actual weapons are seen, when one player celebrates after scoring a touchdown, he acts like he mows down his teammates with a machine gun (and they all fall down as we hear added-in machine gun fire). Earlier, the same happened with the acting out of dropping a bomb.
- A team mascot uses a fake sword during a game.
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- Phrases: "Butt f*cked," "I don't give a f*ck," "What the f*ck is that?" "Get the f*ck out," "What the f*ck is wrong with you?" "Shut the f*ck up," "What the f*ck do you know?" "Who gives a sh*t?" "Sh*theads," "You're so full of sh*t," "Hand job," "Hard on" and "Ball" (sexual), "Jeez," "Old fart," "You suck," "Niggers" (in a song and also said by black men to other black men), "Bitch," "Stick it up your stuck up ass," "Big ass bitch," "Faggot," "Screw up," "Nut case," "Balls" (testicles), "Punk," "Screw" (nonsexual), "Kiss my ass," "Piss," "Take a leak," "Turd," "Moron" and "Pissed away."
- Some male players briefly moon the opposing team of female players during a game of beach football.
- To retaliate for Beamen's new arrogance and cockiness, some of teammates take a power saw and end up cutting his vehicle in half.
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- None.
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- None.
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- We heard the following in several rap songs: The "f" and "s" words, along with "Niggers." Other rap songs had lyrics that couldn't be understood, so it's possible that more objectionable material is present.
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- At least 112 "f" words (23 used with "mother," 2 used sexually), 50 "s" words, 7 slang terms using female genitals ("p*ssy"), 5 slang terms for or using male genitals ("d*ck" and "pr*ck"), 30 asses (4 used with "hole"), 20 hells, 5 damns, 4 S.O.B.s, 1 crap and 26 uses of "G-damn," 4 of "God," 2 of "Jesus Christ" and 1 use each of "Oh my God," "Oh God," "Lord," "For God's sakes," "Jesus" and "For Christ's sakes" as exclamations.
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- When a player asks for more Demerol, Mandrake sarcastically tells Powers to give him "a hand job" instead.
- In one scene the camera focuses on the silhouetted and shapely bodies of the cheerleaders as they sashay and do their thing on the sidelines.
- Mandy approaches D'Amato in a bar and offers to give him a good time, but in exchange for money.
- At a party a woman talks about her husband not being able "to get it up."
- When an older woman states that she's in between marriages, it sounded like a man asks her how she gets any "d*ck."
- Some women at a party show cleavage.
- As Beamen's girlfriend leaves in a huff, she states that she's going to her girlfriend's and then adds that "she might f*ck better than you."
- As Christina arrives in the Shark's locker room, we see male full frontal and rear nudity involving several players (but she doesn't react to it, nor they to her presence). We then see Beamen in just his small jock strap.
- Mandrake tells Powers that if they get to the playoffs, among other things that they'll get is "p*ssy."
- At a beach party we see women in some very skimpy/small bikinis (that show cleavage as well as most of several women's bare butts in their thong bottoms). During this, some of the players moon the women with us briefly seeing their bare butts.
- We briefly see some men's bare butts as they stand at urinals.
- Cindy shows some cleavage.
- As a player has an MRI done on him, Mandrake sarcastically tells him not to "get a hard on."
- We see Mandy in D'Amato's place wearing just his shirt over top of her thong-like bottom. As she rolls on top of him, we also see most of her bare butt in that thong-like bottom. At first we only see glimpses of her bare breasts, but then see several entire views of them (as well as her holding just part of the sheets between her legs and thus covering up more graphic nudity).
- At a party we see most of a woman's bare butt in her thong-like bottom as well as cleavage from other women. We also see a man making out while nearly lying on top of a woman (both are clothed).
- We briefly see some nude players in the shower, including a view of male full frontal nudity in a mirror's reflection.
- Mandrake makes a sarcastic comment about a cheerleader who refuses to leave with him being "butt f*cked" by some players.
- When Beamen tries to make amends with Vanessa, she says that he's jealous of her date because he's tall. Beamen then replies, "Yeah, but he can't ball" (have sex).
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- D'Amato smokes cigars more than five times, while Rose occasionally has an unlit cigar in his mouth. Meanwhile, some people smoke in the owner's box while others do the same in bars.
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- D'Amato admits that he gave up everything in his life - including his wife and children - for the game.
- While talking with Beamen, D'Amato tells him that he similarly lost his dad when he was young.
- Cap and Cindy fight about him quitting football.
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- The game and business of professional football.
- Beamen begins to get a cocky attitude and changes the coach's plays in the huddle without his knowledge/permission and begins to see himself as the team's star instead of a team player.
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- Varying degrees of football violence occur in the film with the standard bone-crunching hits and several players being severely injured.
- Beamen and Washington get into a fight.
- On a TV we see footage from "Ben Hur" where a chariot runs over a man.
- To retaliate for Beamen's new arrogance and cockiness, some of teammates take a power saw and end up cutting his vehicle in half.
- Beamen punches another player who then proceeds to punch him repeatedly.
- D'Amato violently pushes Rose down into a dugout like area where he lands quite hard (resulting in some blood on his head).
- Cindy smacks Cap when angry about his announcement that he wants to quit playing football.
- A player shoves an official.
- We briefly see some spectators getting into a fight.