Just Give Me Drugs
I was about to become a mother for the very first time! It was only a few days past my due date, but my doctor was about to go out of town, and so I was given the drugs that were intended to induce labor. After about five hours of relentless, horrific spasms, I looked at my nurse and declared, “When I am not in labor, I am a very nice person! I promise!” After that pitiful outburst, the nurse initiated the process to have an epidural administered to my weary body. Within seconds, I returned to my normal, sweet self as I smiled after every push and laughed at my doctor’s jokes.
I even stopped screaming near profanities at my handsome, loving husband. God made a way for you to be the very best version of yourself, even in life’s worst moments. It’s the epidural miracle cure of prayer!
If you will choose to continually devote yourself to prayer, you, too, will find relief from the onslaught of life’s painful moments. Your emotions are strong and relentless and without prayer, you will lose control. Life’s horrific spasms may be described as red hot and searing and the relief will only come as you continuously devote yourself to prayer.