Comic Books Improve Reading Skills
In generations past, the Bible was a new reader’s primary text. Among recent generations, comic books often fill that role.
Novelist, Stefan Petrucha reveals, “Early in the 1960s, [a comic book] was how my grandfather taught me how to read…It was Jimmy Olsen’s birthday and the League of Super Heroes gave him a ring and their costumes that gave him their powers temporarily. I didn’t know who any of these people were, but I was totally fascinated. Gripped. And it went on from there.”
According Illya Kowalchuk, Petrucha’s experience is fairly common: “This form provides a much easier interaction with literature than a typical prose novel…The colors, exaggerated characters, and easily digestible stories work well for developing readers. [And] comics teach healthy reading habits such as character development, conflict/resolution, inference, and story progression.”