Madea and Her Critics
So, is Madea a Christian?
See, there are Christians who cuss and don't go to church, I believe that she's one of those.
She's a nominal Christian?
Yeah, yeah.
A lot of critics have something to say about Madea, your portrayal of her...
Including Christians, yeah.
Some critics might say that your portrayal of her can be considered minstrelsy. How do you respond to that?
You know what? That's a high-brow comment. It comes from a certain culture or certain kind of Black person. But, what is clear and obvious to me is that there's a disconnect between those type of people and African-American Black folks, because I can take you to my neighborhood right now and you will see 20 of those women. They're not stereotypes. They exist. They're real. And people think that they don't exist.
I heard somebody say that they don't exist. That's not true. These are real people who are still around who are going to see the movie.
Do you ever think there will be an all Madea all the time movie? A movie just about her all the way through?
Oh, please. I would love to do one of those, but the problem with that is the costume and the makeup. I would be miserable. I couldn't be funny. I could not do that for 30 days straight or 60 days straight because I would be miserable and the movie would not be funny.
So, that's why she's in 10 minutes here, 20 minutes there. Maybe that movie would take a couple of years to make. Maybe I'll shoot five or six weeks of it, and then go back next year and do some more. So, who knows.