God’s in Charge
“I couldn’t deny something that had revealed itself to be true to me.” – Whispering Danny, Jewish tattoo artist.
God is absolutely insistent on two things. First, that we will share his story. God could easily drop his face into the clouds and announce the way of salvation for the whole world to hear. But that’s not what he does, at least not since the last time I looked out the window. Instead, he leaves it to us to spread his message, show his love, and tell the world about his greatness. Second, God alone can change a heart. It took the near-dead rising again for Whispering Danny, the addict being forgiven for Nate Larkin, terminal cancer disappearing for Tamara Jolee, and a bottomed out life for Brian Welch and Brian Sumner. It took a different God-sized, ridiculous, big, over-obvious, wow moment for each person to fully realize how FIRST God really is. But for each of those crazy God moments there was someone that God chose to speak in his stead, to be his hands, and to share his heart. He used someone like you and I to tell his story.