A’s vibrate to the number 1. Examples include Mary, Jane, Sandra and Garry. A’s are natural born leaders. They like to be number 1. They are ambitious, hardworking and very self-critical. They need to be in charge, and they need to be told they’re doing a good job – often. Positive reinforcement is a great way to handle A energy. If you are working on a project with an A energy, let them take the lead. It will be easier, trust me. It’s not worth it to compete with an A. If you compliment an A, they will do amazing work. If you criticize an A, they will rebel strongly. A’s are trustworthy, hardworking and success oriented. They work well as entrepreneurs too. If you have an A working for you, make sure to compliment them, give them specific tasks to be in charge of, and feel comfortable letting them work on their own. They will do a great job. If you want to know more about A energy, think about the name of our country. America is an A energy. We value independence, we love freedom and we are the leader of the free world.