2018-05-21 2018-05-21

The Ten Commandments

Cecil B. Demille’s 1956 epic The Ten Commandments still stands as one of the best loved Bible movies fifty years later. Who can forget Charlton Heston’s incredible performance as Moses. This was ultimately Demille’s last film, and what a way to go out!

King of Kings

This 1961 classic was produced in a time when giants like MGM would make regular epics on Biblical stories. King of Kings follows the life of Jesus faithfully but with some conjecture. Past films had followed Jesus’ life as an adult, but this one begins with the birth and goes through his entire life.


Charlton Heston was no stranger to Biblical epics having starred in The Ten Commandments prior to this film, and Ben Hur became yet another classic. While the story isn’t explicitly a Biblical story, it does take place during Biblical times and references Biblical events.

The Robe

This movie follows a perspective we usually don’t think of – the Roman soldiers that helped to crucify Jesus. It looks at the life of the Roman soldier who won Jesus’ garment during the crucifixion. An interesting story of redemption, it is also the first movie to use widescreen CinemaScope technology.

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Much like King of Kings before it, The Greatest Story Ever Told looks at the entire life of Jesus. The 1965 movie features numerous cameos as Biblical characters, including Max van Sydow, John Wayne, and Dorothy McGuire.


Barabbas plays a small but important role in the gospel narrative. This movie looks at what happened to Barabbas after he is let down from the cross. While we have no way of knowing, the story that is told is certainly worth watching!

David and Bathsheba

The life of David is one of the most eventful lives recorded in the entirety of Scripture, so it is appropriate that there be an epic film to his name. The movie stars Gregory Peck as David, and grossed 7 million upon its released. That figure was good for the top earning film of the year!

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