There’s no doubt about it. Films can have an enormous impact on our lives. Well-written films with multi-dimensional, empathetic characters and those with characters based on real people can give us insights into other people’s perspectives and challenges. Films can also encourage us to boldly pursue our dreams. Watching someone struggling to overcome obstacles in order to reach a seemingly impossible goal could be the catalyst that sets our dreams in motion. And, of course, the best films can remind us of what’s really important in life.
While films can have such powerful effects on us, they can potentially have even greater effects on children. Unfortunately, since children’s brains are still developing, the films they watch can encourage bad habits or even steer them in the wrong direction. But, thankfully, the opposite is also true. Good films can nurture good values and principles. Since most parents want their children to embrace the values and principles that they believe are good, finding children’s films that reflect them is one great way to instill those beliefs in their kids.
For Christian families, films that demonstrate Christian principles can be a blessing. Whether or not they’re Christian films, they can have a positive impact on children’s faith. Here are six children’s films that beautifully illustrate Christian principles. And although they each contain different Christian principles, there’s one that is present in all of them. It’s what Jesus said was the second greatest Commandment – that we should love our neighbors as we love ourselves.