2020-10-01 2020-10-01
It seems everybody wants to claim Elvis as their own, from Jewish impersonators to Christian Elvis fans to those who believe Elvis is God. The religion of Elvis probably won't become a category on the 2010 U.S. census, but 30 years after the King's death, Elvis worship is still going strong. The following links provide details on Jewish Elvis lyrics, Pagan Elvis rituals, the similarities between Jesus and Elvis, and much more.


Schmelvis: Searching for the King's Jewish Roots
A new film and book, both called "Schmelvis," explain Elvis Presley's Jewish roots. Site includes complete Elvis family tree documenting the Jewish connection, as well as more information about the book and movie.

Melvis: The First Openly Jewish Elvis Impersonator
Melvis's standard songs include "Blue Suede Jews," "Love Me Like a Gentile," and "Don't Be Cruel (to a Small White Jew)." Please note: Melvis does not perform on Yom Kippur.

Jelvis: The Jewish Elvis
Elvis impersonator Jelvis, who wears a tallit (a Jewish prayer shawl), bills himself as the "Kosher King."

Elvis - The Jewish Connection
This article, from Elvis Presley News, says that later in his life, Elvis learned Jewish teachings, became familiar with the Hebrew alphabet, and wore a chai (the Jewish world for life) necklace as part of his on-stage wardrobe. Includes a picture of Elvis wearing a Chai pendant.


Elvis vs. Jesus
Learn what Jesus and Elvis have in common--including astrological signs, sayings, resurrections, and more.

The First Church of Jesus Christ, Elvis
A gospel-like rendition of Elvis' life, from his beginnings in the recording business to his death: "And Elvis so loved the world that he died, fat and bloated, in a bathroom." Features new lyrics to the Elvis hit, "Hound Dog:"
You ain't nothin' but a human,
Sinnin' all the time, Just an ungrateful human,
Sinnin' all the time,
No, you don't deserve salvation,
But you can be a friend of mine...

The Official Gospel of Elvis Web Page
Website for the book "The Gospel of Elvis," retelling of the life of Elvis in King James-style English. According to the site, the book "combines the two greatest stories ever told."

Elvis Worship, Catholic-Style
Short essay asserts there is an "aura of Catholicism" in Elvis worship. These Catholic forms common in Elvis reverence include saint's relics, and legends of sightings, miracles, and revered relics.

Elvis Is Dead (Deal With It)
This essay, from conservative Christian Probe Ministries, asks, "What does the fascination with Elvis tell us about ourselves?" The writer encourages readers to give up their obsession with Elvis in favor of Jesus.


Hindu Elvis Worship?
A portrait of Elvis hangs in a temple in Karnataka, India, next to pictures of Hindu deities. CNN reported the same story.


Pagan Elvis Ritual
"The Lesser Elvis Banishing Ritual of the Sequined Pentagram"--the site describest the ritual's purpose as clearing the area of all Elvis-negative influences.

Elvis Worship

The First Presleyterian Church of Elvis, the Divine
Click on Elvis to enter the church's site. Offers spiritual enlightenment, Elvis-style. Features a list of 31 holy items (such as hamburger buns, cans of sauerkraut, and El Producto cigars), an essay on the "Theory of Elvisivity," and an answer to the question, "Is this a cult?"

24-Hour Church of Elvis
This shop in Portland, Oregon is not really a church, but it does feature a resident "preacher woman." Offers marriages, t-shirts, Elvis ID cards, and Elvis drivers licenses.

Viva Lord Vegas
This 2001 article from The Bulletin, Australia, reports that Elvis worship may be developing into a real religion. "Call it Elvism, the Presleyterian church, Presleyanity, or a term yet to be coined, but it bears unmistakable signs of a cult changing into a recognisable faith," writes Christopher Reed.

Disgraceland Chapel and Meditation Room
The site encourages users to stop and meditate on Elvis and features a "brand new ceiling", a rendition of the central image in Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel. The chapel also features the Elvis Grotto and Relicquiem.


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