2024-05-08 2024-05-08
Audio A

Christian music history was made today as Billboard Magazine reported the return of Audio Adrenaline. Audio A ended their legendary run in 2007 due to lead singer Mark Stuart’s vocal problems. Five years later, the music and mission continue. Beliefnet is thrilled to announce a new weekly documentary video series coming exclusively to Beliefnet.com. The Nashville based crew has been at band rehearsals, meetings and is currently with the band in Haiti, ensuring not a moment of this new Audio A era will be missed. The docu-series, simply titled “Audio Adrenaline”, is scheduled to launch near the end of the month.

“New fans and lifelong fans, like myself, are going to be blown away. Audio Adrenaline is back and for an incredible cause,” said director Logan Sekulow. “I’ve been a huge fan since I was 7 years old, so just to be a small part of this new chapter has been incredible. I know what we are making is going to prove to everyone why Audio A will always be known as one of the best Christian rock ‘n roll bands.”

The newly re-formed group consists of founding member Will McGinniss on bass, new lead singer Kevin Max (DC Talk), guitarist Dave Ghazarian (SuperChick), keyboardist Jason Walker and drummer Jared Byers (Bleach). “The common thread that brings all of these guys together today is for the orphans in Haiti at the Hands & Feet Project,” said McGinniss. Launched in 2004 by Audio Adrenaline, the Hands & Feet Project operates Children’s villages for orphans in Haiti. “Our Church, Journey, teaches how God is one of the most amazing storytellers and authors ever, and the things he is writing into this new season for Audio A has us all… super excited.”

Former lead singer Mark Stuart will be a long for the ride as well. Though he won’t be performing with the band, he is actively involved in writing and producing the new music. Stuart also serves as the Executive Director of the Hands & Feet Project. “It has become a real passion of mine, and it will continue to be for the rest of my life. The way God works is so amazing, he put that passion to put Audio A back on the road, not just to make music, but basically to tell the story and fight for these forgotten children,” says Stuart. “It’s going to be different, but I think in many ways much better. It is going to be ministry focused, but also artistic with beautiful and exceptional moments. I really can’t wait to get behind the soundboard with the engineer and just watch Audio Adrenaline on stage again.”

Kevin Max knows that people may first be apprehensive to a new lead singer. “I’m probably going to be the one who is going to take the most heat from people, because I’m stepping into the shoes of the great Mark Stuart. Not only is he a great friend of mine, I consider him to be one of the great front men in this industry. It’s an honor,” says Max. “What I love most about this is that we are doing it for more than just making great music.”

Remember to check in at Belifenet.com as more details are released and stay tuned for the series premier of the exclusive docu-series, “Audio Adrenaline”, coming later this month.

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