Robert Griffin III
Cleveland Browns quarterback Robert Griffin III, nicknamed RG3, is known for being very outspoken about his Christian faith. When he played for the Washington Redskins, he was often seen making the sign of the cross after big plays. His Twitter account boldly announces his relationship with God, and he also highlights Jeremiah 29:11, which talks about God’s plan for prosperity and a bright future. In 2013, Griffin’s mother told the Washington Post that she has a small tradition of sharing Bible verses before he plays. She selects Scripture that God has impressed on her heart before each game to remind Griffin that each game is just another battle that he can conquer with God’s help. Griffin said his relationship with God is his most important influence: “I praise God, I thank him for everything,” Griffin said. “Purposefully, you live every day for Him, and when He gives you the opportunity to speak up for Him or to do something in His name, you do it.”