
When we hear about anything that challenges ethics, morals, or is super dramatic, naturally we want to be part of it, and can't resist. The world of reality television, a crazy ecosystem deprived of anything considered normal--something many crave. But, if we are honest probably we’ve behaved just as naughty as our beloved reality-soap stars, although we snicker. A new controversial reality show on VH1 will add a little reality check for college students.

The show called, “Walk of Shame Shuttle” will give audiences a look at the late night exploits of college students sharing their sexual encounters the following morning, or known as the walk shame. Clients call the on-camera shuttle to pick them up, and pretty much confess everything. Think HBO’s "Taxicab Confessions."

Kellyann Wargo was the friends called when they needed a ride after a night of partying, and it became a business where she charged $5 for a ride, according a report from Fox411, and a video she posted on the confessions went viral. Director of the Parents’ Television Council Melissa Henson said the premise of the show is “shameful. “Unfortunately, the show producers are choosing to record people talking about behavior they’re not proud of celebrating hookup culture. It strikes me as bizarre.” Bizarre is nothing new for realty TV, reality shows have been a ratings hit for years, and many seem to continue to press boundaries.  Shows like “Big Brother, “Honey Boo Boo,” and “Toddlers & Tiaras.”

The first reality show was “Candid Camera” in 1948. The first modern show was “The Real World” on MTV in 1992, and lasted over 10 years. If we dig deeper, that show was inspired by the documentary aired on PBS in 1973 called “An American Family.” They were really the first to record people in a natural setting on the go, and personal conversations. The documentary followed a family in Santa Barbara, the Loud family, and proved to be a huge hit.

Back to VH1. Wargo pointed out that all of us have been in a place where they don’t recall what happened the night before, or who they had sex with. Her show is not to poke fun at people, she said, but many of us think she’s exploiting people. “They’re hung over, tired, and maybe a little regretful she told Fox411. “We’re not trying to embarrass or make fun of anyone.”

For a clip of the show go to VH1.

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