Our prayers at the stone near St. Kevin's Bed, and the dancing and chanting on Knocknarea were, for me, God-intoxicated moments, full of the warmth of God's embrace and the ecstasy of living! --Andrea S.

Every bit of the trip was perfect. I found my heart's home; I hope wherever I choose to go in the future Beliefnet has a tour going in that direction. That was the way to go. I've recommended it to all my friends. -- Sherley

This was as close to heaven as I've ever felt here on earth! I simply loved it. I want it to happen all over again. And I stopped smoking! -- Pat P.

Carl knew his stuff and had a wonderful way of relating to all participants and being respectful of differences. -- Nancy S.

Glendalough provided most of what I was looking for on the tour: a beautiful natural setting, historical ruins, connection with Celtic history, and an inspiring guide, Father Michael Rodgers, who demonstrated the contemplative attitude. -- Dennis O.

[Father Rodgers] combined a deep mysticism with a Jungian psycho-spiritual orientation, a humility and a respect for questions rather than dogmatic answers. -- Nancy S.

I was touched by the attention to and respect for our various religious backgrounds, even to the point of accommodating the variety of my own checkered path. -- Andrea S.

This trip is so deeply ingrained in my heart... just looking at the travelogue brought tears to my eyes. What a joy! -- Martha H.

I loved walking the land--to Maeve's Mound, at Glendalough, and at Bridgid's well. I've been on many, many group adventures around the world and yours is among the BEST. -- Nancy S.

At Newgrange, standing where prehistoric men had stood 5000 years ago in their spiritual quest was very moving. -- Dennis O.

I'll be saving me cheddar to join Beliefnet another time. Nobody could have done it better. -- Andrea S.

I will remember this trip for the rest of my life. The people, the places, and the excitement will stay in my heart forever. Out time at Holy Hill was worth more than the cost of the trip. I learned so much and made such wonderful and close friends in that short time. I think about it every day. I can truly say that it changed my life. -- Frank S.
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