Stepping out in faith sounds easy, but it means leaving the comfort zone and facing our deepest fears. It is deemed as one of the hardest sensations to harness and to get under control. When the circumstances are dictating that there is little optimism to go around--our souls don't want to step out in faith! In Lamentations 3:20-21 it said that we need to hold onto to our faith and onto our hope: “I will remember them, and my soul downcast within me. Yet, this I call to mind and therefore I have hope.” God calls us to sit still and sometimes He calls us to move in faith in a certain direction. This is where trust comes into play. The Oxford English Dictionary explained that trust is “having a firm belief in the reliability, truth or ability of someone of something." We all need this trust to feed our faith and we are not the only ones. Remember when Peter stepped out into the water from the fishing boat and then took his focus off of Jesus? He saw the wind and cried out: “Lord, save me.” Jesus immediately reached out His hand and took hold of him: “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" We all struggle with having the stamina to step out in faith. If you need more help in this area, here are 5 suggestions to consider.