Easter is a time when we not only recognize the resurrection of Jesus, but also keep our focus on the reality of the empty tomb. Even the most skeptical, cynical and unbelieving historians, philosophers and theologians agree that a man named Jesus died on a Roman cross on Friday and was later buried in a tomb that was empty on Sunday morning. They also agree that countless individuals, both men and women, testified that they saw Jesus alive on multiple occasions after He had died, included among whom were James, his half-brother, who initially did not believe Jesus was the Messiah, but later came to faith. The question for all such unbelievers is this: What is the best explanation of how the tomb came to be empty? There is no evidence anywhere in the ancient world that anyone disputed that the tomb was empty on Sunday morning, not even those who crucified Jesus. And they were the ones who stood most to gain by simply hauling out the body of Jesus, pointing to it, confirming His identity and forever putting Christianity in the grave as well. But they didn’t. Here are six hidden facts about the empty tomb that prove Jesus was truly risen.