There is no human who has ever lived who has loved Jesus more perfectly than His mother. Mary’s unequivocal joy in being His mother was present when she went to help her cousin, Elizabeth, and she praised God for his goodness in blessing her in such an amazing way. Her unwavering faith in Jesus was revealed when she encouraged Jesus to perform His first public miracle of turning water into wine at the wedding feast in Cana, and she told the servants to follow His instructions. Finally, her unending devotion to Jesus was seen as she selflessly accompanied Him, as He selflessly gave His life on the Cross to save us.
Because of her immense, holy love for Jesus and deep understanding of Him, it’s no wonder that so many Christians turn to her to ask for her intercession. Most importantly, when we turn to her, she brings us closer to Jesus.
One way that we can turn to Mary to ask for her intercession is by praying a novena. Novenas generally consist of nine consecutive days of prayers to God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Mary, a saint or a candidate for sainthood. The novenas are sometimes centered on holy days, and specific intentions, graces or favors are usually requested. Because of Mary’s vital role in the Catholic Church, there are several novenas that are addressed to her. While some of them commemorate specific holy days, some can be prayed at any time of the year. Here are seven hope-filled novenas to Mary to consider praying.