Feast of the Holy Family Reflections
On Dec. 30, 2001, St. John Paul II celebrated the Feast of the Holy Family. As he did, he reflected on the Holy Family, how it sanctifies families and what we can learn from meditating upon the life that Jesus, Mary and Joseph shared together in Nazareth. “For every believer, and especially for Christian families, the humble dwelling place in Nazareth is an authentic school of the Gospel. Here we admire, put into practice, the divine plan to make the family an intimate community of life and love; here we learn that every Christian family is called to be a small "domestic church" that must shine with the Gospel virtues,” said St. John Paul II to the crowd. “Recollection and prayer, mutual understanding and respect, personal discipline and community asceticism and a spirit of sacrifice, work and solidarity are typical features that make the family of Nazareth a model for every home.”
Celebrated each year on the Sunday after Christmas, the Feast of the Holy Family is a perfect time to reflect upon this holy model of love and unity. Here are just five of the many beautiful characteristics of the Holy Family.