2024-05-07 2024-05-07
There is nothing more humbling than the image of baby Jesus tucked inside a manger, a feeding trough meant for barn animals. Nativity scenes are everywhere at Christmastime-small and large, wooden and plastic, on tables and in yards. We've scoured the web to find simple and affordable ways you can create your own crèche.

How To Make a Manger Scene

Using Twigs

Using Lincoln Logs

Using Your Child's Dollhouse

Using Gingerbread

How To Make Manger Figures

Using Yarn

Using Play-Dough

More Ideas

Manger Scene Jewelry
Thread beads onto safety pins to make a charming brooch

"Progressive" Crèche
Put Joseph and Mary far from the manger to start with -- across the room, for example. As the days go on, they get closer to the manger. On Christmas Eve, place baby Jesus in the manger. After Jesus is born, the wise men and shepherds start toward the manger from a far distance, and get closer each day until, finally, the entire manger scene is complete on Epiphany (January 6).
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