Small steps can lead to significant changes. When we focus on a goal, we understand that we have to do little things repeatedly to help us succeed. It’s action steps that propel us forward, but what if our actions don’t align with our purpose? Like children, adults are typically susceptible to looking away from God and rebellion.
Everyone has opposed authority either inwardly or outwardly. We know the right path, but our selfishness compels us to walk closely to the edge. They say we should swing for the fences, but sometimes that swing gets too high that it goes over the fence. In difficult times, we try to dig ourselves out of pity but fall to the other side. We pushed the swing too many times and too far over the edge.
We don’t want to sin, but it misleads us into thinking that small steps don’t matter. The Bible warns us to be careful about how we live, and we should understand God’s will for our lives. God instructed us to follow His way, so little steps matter.
For example, think about following crochet patterns. Your blanket could start as a square, but if you miss a stitch, your blanket could turn into a triangle. Missing a stitch may not seem like a big deal, but it can throw off the shape you envisioned. Knowing that we want to stay as far away from sin as possible, here are some small steps that lead us to sin.
Taking our eyes off Jesus.
When we stop praying, we take our eyes off Jesus. Prayer is one of the most effective tools in our collection to protect us from the devil’s attacks. He knows we’re at our weakest point when we’re not praying. Our daily talks with God give us strength. When we pray, God hears our trusting, sincere hearts. His will is that we listen as our shepherd moves us away from sinful paths and thoughts. Without the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we’re vulnerable to the urge to sin.
James 1:13 reminds us that God would never tempt us to sin; He can’t be tempted by evil and won’t lead anyone toward darkness. Instead, He’ll point us to the light. However, the devil is always ready to entice us and knows how. He uses the appropriate ammunition every chance he gets. However, if we focus on Jesus, we won’t notice his minions trying to get our attention. We’re secure at the cross instead of distracted by shouts, shenanigans, and motions. Prayer keeps us motivated.
A faithful and active prayer life keeps us ingrained in the Bible. In Romans 12:2, the apostle Paul reminds us to be changed by renewing our minds. A spiritual mind is restored in the Bible, where our minds and hearts are prepared. We discover the truth and prepare ourselves for battle when the devil tempts us.
Thinking about our self-centered wants and needs.
It’s challenging to think about ourselves when imagining Jesus. Once we’ve wandered from the Bible and stopped pursuing Him, the devil will plant bait to keep us focused inward. He urges us to keep looking, attempting to fulfill our wants and needs. However, in Philippians 2:3, God warns us not to do anything for selfish ambition.
We aren’t listening to these truths when we stop reading the Bible and praying. Instead, we entertain a barrage of sounds, enticements, and images through social media, our communities, and television. The more we’re absorbed in our worlds, the more likely we move from God’s path.
We may not be sinning yet, but the temptation is there. We understand that we should turn to the cross, but the devil is constantly flirting with our ego, and we won’t stop him. He tells us that we’re important and beautiful, and no one cares for us better than ourselves. Inching closer and closer, we start believing it, thinking that a few steps won’t matter. However, God gives us a way out.
We typically act on this step to comfort ourselves. Everyone is tempted by something. There are numerous ways that we’re tempted to walk toward sin. Sometimes, it looks like something good for us but doesn’t align with God’s vision for our life. We may be enticed by pride or flattery, but it starts in our thoughts. When we start thinking about ourselves and stop thinking about God, our ideas battle in our heads. We talk about it and imagine it. It becomes second nature. Our desire is so robust that we’re lured away without thinking about the consequences we could face. Like sheep being led to the slaughter, we surrender. We go somewhere we have no business being, rationalizing why it’s okay.
We bargain by trading moral behaviors for immoral ones. However, the Bible clearly states that those who belong with Jesus have been crucified in the flesh. If we live by the Spirit, we must keep up with the Spirit. The moment we compromise, it’s already too late. The Bible clearly says that temptation leads us to deception. Harmful desires can lead us to destruction and ruin.
Believing desire’s lies.
Everyone has bought into the lies. These lies tell us we aren’t good enough unless we have certain things or achievements. Once we start focusing on ourselves and can’t do something we think define us, we stand in sin’s crosswalk. Consider the Ten Commandments detailed in Exodus 20:3-17. Each commandment deals with an evil that starts with selfishness. A whole army of gods is ready for us to bow to when we take our eyes away from God. As we become more important, others become less important. No matter what we desire, it might not feel right, but we practice the lie. We want to think that our desires are good and God gave them to us. Otherwise, why would we want it so badly?
It could be something minor, but when we think about it, we recognize that this step led us down a horrible road. However, if the desire doesn’t align with the Bible, it doesn’t come from God. Romans 1:25 reminds us that we’re exchanging God’s truth for a lie when we sin. We serve and worship created things instead of God.
We may not realize it, but small steps can add up, leading us down a deadly path to sin. Fortunately, God gave us the perfect instructions to avoid sin. If we keep our eyes on Him, we won’t be distracted by the devil and his antics.