One of the most widely searched topics in relation to Jesus and Christianity is his ascension. The world is fascinated by the departure of Christ from Earth into the presence of God. It’s hard to believe that someone we call out to every day, once stepped foot on the ground we walk upon. Acts 1 takes place after the resurrection – 40 days to be exact. Jesus was accompanied by the disciples. He was taken up in there after warning them to remain in Jerusalem until the holy spirit came. When he ascends a cloud blocks him from their direct sight. Jesus’ ascension matters because two men, in white, appear and tell everyone that he will return in the same way they saw him go into heaven.
The world of the ascension is a three-part universe comprised of the heavens above, a flat earth centered on Jerusalem in the middle and the underworld beneath it all. Ultimately, the ascension represents so many long-discussed questions. Jesus represented so much and still does. Hebrew 10:11 – 14 says, “When Jesus ascended and sat down at the Father’s right hand, the Father verified the accomplishment of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and confirmed that the final payment for sin had been made.” The ascension represented closure – on so many levels.
Which reasons resonate with your beliefs and questions? Let us help you discover, or perhaps rediscover, why Jesus’ ascension matters.