There will be many days in your life when you feel like you are far from God. One minute you feel like God is exceptionally close, and the next minute, you feel like he’s unreachable. There will also be moments you will feel like God has abandoned you when you feel like you need Him the most. Don’t think you’re immune to experiencing these feelings if you’re a Christian. These emotions show up, even for the most devoted believers. We know this from merely looking at some of our favorite Bible figures. Even Elijah and Moses went through periods where they felt far from God. How can you draw closer to God when you feel like He’s far away? Here are five warning signs you are drifting from God.
We Stop Praying
Prayer connects us with God. It’s the way we communicate directly with God. One big sign that we are drifting from God is when we stop praying. This is a sign we’re feeling disconnected from our Heavenly Father. The devil will take advantage of us when we’re struggling with prayer. Some Christians grow up believing that prayers are our wish list to God. If we do everything right, we get exactly what we’re asking for. The truth is, God doesn’t always answer our prayers in the way we want Him to. He also doesn’t always give us the answers we’re looking for. However, He does have a solution for every prayer we say. Luke 11:9-10 says, “So I say to you: Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks receives; the One who seeks finds; and to the One who knocks, the door will be opened.” We may not be able to hear God because we aren’t tuned into the correct frequency.
You Stop Studying the Bible
Another significant sign you are drifting from God is when you stop reading and studying the Bible. The Bible tells us, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” Ask yourself when the last time you really opened up your Bible and connected with Scripture was? It is common for believers to actively engage with Bible reading when they’re at church, but fall off when they are at home. It is also common for believers to go through heavy Bible reading periods and then fall off from Bible study. If you notice that you are neglecting Bible reading, it’s time to pick it up again. You can read the Bible outside of the church. Consider opening the text when you’re getting your coffee ready in the morning or getting prepared to go to sleep. Just make sure it’s a time when you can genuinely commit to reading and hearing what God is saying to you.
You Are Frustrated or Angry With God
Frustration and anger are common feelings when we’re drifting from God. This may be a result of something personal that has happened in our lives. We may feel like God has wronged us in some way or simply doesn’t care about us. If you’re frustrated or angry with God, tell Him how you’re feeling. Even when you’re upset with God, He won’t abandon you. He loves you so much that He still wants to be connected with you, even in your sin. Psalm 34:18 says, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” It may be hard to wrap your head around, but God’s love is unconditional. He knows what you’re going through before you even turn to Him and is committed to getting through whatever situation you’re facing. No matter how angry and frustrated you are with God, He will never stop caring about you. What more can we ask for?
You Stop Going to Church and Worshipping God
Worship is one of the most remarkable ways we connect with God. Many Christians spend their time worshipping God at church, but there are many other places we worship God. Worship is bowing before God. Romans 12:1 describes it perfectly, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship.” A big sign that you’re drifting from God is when you no longer feel energized to worship. You may start feeling less excited about going to church or bowing before God. The truth is we are designed to worship. If we are feeling anything but enthusiastic about praising our Heavenly Father, we need to examine what’s going on in our lives separating us from Him.
You Feel Lukewarm About the Gospel
This is one of the signs that often goes undetected because it’s not something people often talk about. It’s that feeling that the Gospel isn’t speaking to you as much anymore. There was a time when you felt like your heart was set ablaze for Jesus, then suddenly you just don’t feel connected. You may realize that the readings or the sermon text are going over your head. Nothing is speaking to you. This is a sign that you are becoming spiritually separated from God and feeling lukewarm about the Gospel.
Even when we feel like we are drifting from God, there is hope. The same One who we think we are drifting from is the same One who can pull us back in. God can literally set our hearts on fire in a matter of moments! Don’t lose hope. Try your best to hear what God is saying to you and follow His lead. He cares about you more than you could ever know.