We live in a world filled with a lot of racket. Outside of church on Sundays, it can be hard to keep focused on God. We can start out our day telling ourselves we won’t allow anything to distract us from talking with or spending time with God, then, not a few moments later, find something catching our attention that keeps us from exceeding. A lot of this has to do with what we allow into our lives that can distract us from God. There are so many things in this world that fight for our time and when we allow them to take too much of it, we lose our focus. But what would life look like and feel like if we were worshipful, not just on Sundays but every day of the week. What would our lives look like if we were to worship daily in such an invigorating way that even when we aren’t worshiping in church, the worship might linger and invigorate us? We have the power to do just that. Here are five ways to live Sunday all week.