Would anyone be able to pick you out of the crowd, at your place of work or in your neighborhood, and identify you as a Christian? Can people definitively say, “I know he/she is a Christian,” or “I know he/she is a follower of Jesus?” What makes you look, act, think and speak differently than those whom you work and live with? Today, the Christian faith has not only come under attack, but many Christians themselves have become complacent and compromised their beliefs for the culture we live in. Unfortunately, Christians are known more for what they are against than what they are for. In the U.S. in particular, many Christians have adopted for the most part a barely recognizable form of Christianity that almost completely ignores the teachings given by the Bible by the man we say we want to follow and be like: Jesus. But there are those who are true followers of Jesus, applying his basic teachings to their everyday lives. Here are six signs of a Jesus follower.