When it comes to archaeology, there is evidence of Jesus. We have actual sites and artifacts that testify to the historical truth of Jesus Christ. Remarkably, over the last few decades, significant evidence revealing the life, teaching, death and resurrection of Jesus has been uncovered! The evidence for Jesus starts with the place of His birth in Bethlehem. The Church of the Nativity is generally considered a credible historical site, with the traditional cave of Christ’s birth being marked by the ornate star of Bethlehem. In addition, surprising archaeological finds are breaking new ground in our understanding of Jesus’ time – and the revolution He launched 2,000 years ago. The evidence of archaeology really can help us interpret certain biblical texts, as well as providing an independent way to check the Bible’s historical reliability. Many critics of Christianity continue to argue against the trustworthiness of the New Testament record but, in fact, every new archaeological find has been on the side of Scripture, not skeptics. Here are six things archaeology is telling us about the real Jesus.