
Children are blissfully unaware of the everyday things that test our faith in adulthood. But as they grow older, they will face many of the hardships we have. So many challenges are overcome when one has deeply rooted faith in God. Children have a natural ability to think, understand and believe without evidence or proof, but those wonderful qualities tend to diminish over time.

Sometimes we forget that faith is a difficult concept to understand. Faith is the idea of believing in something we cannot see. Faith is also hard to hold onto in a world that completely disregards it each day. If adults have a difficult time grasping faith from time to time, how can we ensure the seed of faith we've planted in our children will continue to grow and flourish as they mature? Here are some ideas on how to establish strong, unshakable faith in your children.

Show your child your own faith

Children learn by watching others. So let them see you study your scriptures and hear your prayers. Let your children be involved when you serve others. Let them hear you talk about things with a faithful mindset.

Surround them with goodness

Surround your children with positivity in your home. Show them love, patience, kindness and trust. Not every day is perfect. Everyone has bad days every once in a while but showing your child how to behave when things do not go his or her way is a step in establishing God-like attributes within yourself and in your child. A positive environment can have lasting positive effects on your growing child.

Take them to church

Wherever you go to worship and uphold your faith, take your child with you. Church not only provides substantial knowledge about God's plan, but attendance is especially important, as it is the formal place to recognize God's hand in your life.

Make time for prayer

Prayer is the link we have in establishing and maintaining a loving relationship with our Father in heaven. When you pray with your child in regards to meals, traveling, or in times of stress, you show your child that they can speak to God at any time and from any place. Remind your child that there is nothing too small or insignificant that they cannot ask God about. Children learn that through prayer, God can communicate with them and provide the answers to their many questions and concerns.

Scripture study

Studying bible verses is probably not on your child's daily to do list, but there are many ways to get them engaged. Set a consistent time each day to read with your child. Set realistic goals for your child and do not overwhelm them with too much information at once. Make scripture study an enjoyable bonding time together rather than an obligation.

Remind your child of their divinity

Always remind your children about who they are and where they came from. Be sure to always remind them that they are God's beloved children and they were born with their own unique talents and qualities. Tell them of their great purpose during their time on the earth and how much their Father in heaven loves them no matter their circumstances. Knowing they are a child of God and how much He loves and cares about them can bring true comfort in the most troublesome of times.

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